Hi. I'm Qiao Zhang (张俏).
I am a fourth-year CS PhD student in School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. I work with Dr. Christopher J. MacLellan in the Teachable AI Lab. I recevied my bachelor's degree in Economic Statistics at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in Dalian, China and received my master's degree in Statistics Research and Measurement at University of Pennsylvania. Before starting my PhD study, I worked as a full stack engineer at Xenon Health. I spent the first two years of PhD journey at the College of Computing & Informatics at Drexel University. I research in the intersection of AI and HCI. I design and build game AI agents that can coorporate with human in multi-player games. I'm also interested in understanding the bidirectional teaching behaviors in human-AI teaming tasks. My recent project is exploring the feasibility of using AI models to improve people's strategic decision making in board games. Outside of research, I love baking 🍰, snowboarding 🏂, and reading 📖. If you happen to coincide with any, I will be happy to connect and chat!
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